Ringed Brown Snake
The smallest member of the brownsnake group (to 50 cm) and therefore should be treated as a potentially dangerous venomous snake. Active both day and night, lays eggs and feeds on lizards. Absent from the southern and south coastal areas.

A well-marked subadult Ringed Brown Snake (Pseudonaja modesta) from Carosue Dam Gold Mine via Kalgoorlie, Western Australia

Ringed Brown Snake (Pseudonaja modesta) from Shay Gap, Western Australia

A well-marked adult Ringed Brown Snake (Pseudonaja modesta) from Darlot Gold Mine, via Leonora Western Australia

Ringed Brown Snake (Pseudonaja modesta) from Shay Gap Western Australia

Ringed Brown Snake (Pseudonaja modesta) from Shay Gap Western Australia

A clutch of juvenile Ringed Brown Snakes (Pseudonaja modesta) from Meekatharra female, Western Australia

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