Snakes Harmful and Harmless®

Site of tiger snake (Notechis scutatus) bite on right lower forearm showing extent of necrosis after 24 hours probably resulting from the effectiveness of pressure bandage in trapping the venom at bite site.
More bite-site photos included below.

1. As tight as would be required to support a sprained ankle, apply broad firm pressure bandage over bite and as much of limb as possible. After covering bite continue up the limb and, if sufficient bandage, back down again.

2. Immobilise with splint. On leg splint in straight position. On forearm splint to elbow and support arm in sling.

3. Keep victim still. Bring transport to victim and take to nearest hospital.

Note: Medical staff can determine antivenom required from urine or blood sample.

For bites on trunk of body or face apply local pressure only with flat of hand.

Site of king brown snake (Pseudechis australis) bite on left hand, first knuckle showing discolouration of dead tissue after 48 hours (top photo) and hole left after dead flesh fell from wound 14 days later (bottom photo).

Top photo shows right index finger 24 hours after being bitten by Western brown snake (Pseudonaja mengdeni). This species causes little tissue damage, even with application of pressure bandage. Bottom photo shows bruising (ecchymosis) along arm resulting from same bite.

Clasical two-fang marks with discolouration surrounding each. Heather Prance was bitten on heal at Cable Beach, Broome Western Australia.

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